RDP 2035


RDP-2035 Presentation

A workshop under the Chairmanship of Shri G. R. Aloria, IAS, Principal Secretary, Urban Development and Urban Housing Department on “Initiating Preparation of Revised Development Plan of Surat -2035” was organized by SUDA on Saturday, 3rd August 2013 at 11.30 am in the conference room of Circuit House, Surat. Due to unavoidable circumstances he could not remain present. The workshop was held under the Chairmanship of Shri M. K. Das, IAS, Chairman SUDA and Municipal Commissioner SMC.

The workshop was attended by Office bearers of various associations or their representatives and by the officers of SUDA and SMC. Deputy Municipal Commissioner Shri R. J Patel, IAS also remained present.

The workshop was set into motion by the welcome address by CEA of SUDA Smt. P. Bharthi, IAS. The requirement and need of the workshop was shared with the participants. Legal provision related to preparation of revised development plan was informed to the august gathering.

Senior Town Planner of SUDA Shri Prakash Dutta made an elaborate presentation on the model of urban development in the state of Gujarat, provisions of preparation of revised development plan under the Gujarat Town Planning and Urban development Act, 1976, salient features of development plan which is in force, vision and aim for the revised development plan, issues which has to be addressed at the time of formulation of proposals, formation of expert committees, need for use of geo-spatial data in preparation of base map and existing landuse and for framing the proposals and related legal and technical issues were discussed.

After that forum was opened for discussion. Following suggestions were received.

Shri J. M Patel
Deputy Commissioner (P & D)
SMC Extensive study and survey is to be undertaken. Integrated mobility plan need to be prepared. Chamber of commerce should guide us for industry related proposals.
For achieving the Global standards quality institution shall be established in SURAT who can guide the planning authorities in implementing the global standards like Burla –Kurla Complex.
Area around railway station shall be improved.
Shri Basak SMC Socio-economic studies to be done and data to be analyzed by the experts. Improvement in HDI should be focused Growth in GDP should be thought
Shri Veljibhai Sheta President
Builder Association
Canal road should be widened to 60m FSI of 1.8 shall be allowed adjoining Outer ring road. Anything more that that shall be chargeable. 90m wide Dumas Magdalla road shall be proposed Road of appropriate width shall be proposed along Tapi river Vertical development to be encouraged Higher FSI and 70m height shall be proposed on 24m wide road Number of flyovers to be restricted
Mass transit facility to be encouraged River front should be developed Contour map of SUDA area shall also be prepared Bridge linking SUDA with Ubhrat shall be proposed GDCR should be simplified
Shri Suken Shah Vice President
Builder Association
Land shall be designated for Diamond bourses, Textile markets, textiles processing units Public transportation facilities shall be improved Bus facility shall be strengthened
Shri B. K. Patel Consultant Town Planner Separate zone for Small scale industries Parking as per GDCR to be ensured Multi-nuclei concept SVNIT and other planning institution to be involved Comprehensive traffic And transportation studies should be done Textile markets shall have separate parking regulations Relocation / redevelopment of Textile markets Noise map to be prepared and noise barriers may be proposed
No reservations If reservations are proposed than it shall be developed by means of TDR Ground truth must be ensured in the base map Civil aviation NOC requirement shall be waived if height as suggested by Aviation dept in the RDP is adhered by the builder People participation in preparation of RDP shall be ensured
Shri Kamlesh Yagnik President
Review of 2004 DP shall be done in terms of implementation, lacunae, achievements, etc.
RDP should ensure inclusive growth with human development factor Social indicators shall improve Various options for projected Growth scenarios shall be studied and than to be decided Impact of exiting infrastructure on the city shall be studied before framing proposal of next DP Impact of Adani port / Hajira industrial area shall mot be ignored Water front shall be developed
Land shall be designated for IT /ITES parks Drainage system in the textile / diamond industrial area shall be looked into properly Impact Fee shall not be introduced again.
Impact of SIR / Climate change shall also be studied and shall be taken care in then DP All stakeholders shall work collectively to have well planned RDP of SUDA for the next 10 years
Impact of development in the peri-urban area and urban agglomeration shall be studied and properly taken care in the DP
Shri Sanjay Vadia IIA Instead of conventional zoning in the DP, the concept of self sufficient zones shall be introduced.
Shri K. B. Vaghani Ex president Agriculture zone between Outer ring road and residential areas on the city side shall be properly planned. Proper connectivity linking the outer ring road and roads of SMC area shall be proposed in the RDP.
Shri Shyanil Patel Secretary ITPI Surat sub Center Incentives for redevelopment shall be proposed in the GDCR Public transport shall be improved BRTS to be encouraged
Shri R. D. Desai Retd DOP & President of ITPI Surat sub Center Reasons for not implementing the present DP shall be find out and analyzed. South Gujarat regional plan shall be made. Proper infrastructure planning and design shall be proposed in the RDP after taking the advice of the experts in this field Efficient mass transportation system shall be proposed. No impact fee in future Proposals should be such as to improve the quality of life.
Shri B. K. Patel Architect Capacity building of SUDA Infrastructure shall be improved in the SUDA office. RDP must address the issue of fund generation for the development projects Development in the peri-urban areas to be controlled. Impact of Hazira must also be captured in the RDP Mechanism for stopping the unauthorized development shall be proposed. River bank development with experts Island development / under water development shall also be thought of. Regulations proposed for Outer ring road development shall be made applicable throughout the 66 km of ORR to give equal opportunity. Affordable housing may be encouraged. Industries may be asked to compulsory provide for the housing for their employees. Public conveniences shall be strictly enforced. People friendly administrative reforms can also be part of the RDP
Shri R. J. Patel IAS Dy. M.C.
Panchayats must be educated as they are the partners in development of SUDA Urban /social forestry should be encouraged Climate change / environment aspect must be properly taken care in the RDP proposals. Urban health management may also be part of the RDP
Final observation
Sh M. K Das IAS
Chairman SUDA Regional plan shall have to be prepared under 74th CAA by MPC which will include SUDA and adjoining area also. In DP we have to propose land use which is not the solutions to all the problems of the city. SMC is serious about the traffic planning and Metro is also taken care of. Development of Port in Surat shall bring new business and development plan proposal shall be so as to take care of these developments. DFCC and express way shall have the impact on the economy of the city and surrounding areas. Affordable housing shall play the important role in framing the proposals for zoning. IT /ITES shall be encouraged in this region. SUDA can play important role. Health tourism may be encouraged through planning proposals. Zones for Quality higher education shall be proposed. Heritage conservation / environment shall be properly taken care of. River and sea front development may be considered. GDCR should be simple, comprehensive, least parameter and encouraging ease of approval. High degree of transparency in the preparation o f development plan shall be ensured Expert advice wherever required shall be taken Good working plan shall be made Dedicated website for the RDP shall be made active in the near future.